Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I am SO in love...

with Jesus!!!  My heart feels like it could burst out of my chest as I must explain why!

Journals, I have found, can be one of the biggest blessings in disguise.  It is a place where we let our guard down and share our innermost secrets…where we write the juicy gossip, vent about situations and people, and share our deepest aspirations.  Journals are the one place we hold nothing back.  We tell of the good, and the bad…not withholding any information…it is our safe haven.

Personally, my journals act as my prayers.  I admit that if I pray in my head, within 2 minutes, I am thinking of something totally random and off topic...making my prayers aloof and un-concentrated. SO, I write them out; forcing myself to stay on track. It is my safe haven, where I hold nothing back while presenting my heart to the Lord.

A benefit, I have found, to writing out my prayers is I have the ability to go back and see how God answered them.  I often forget how far He has brought me, because I often forget the small triumphs in between each trial… I get caught up in the day-to-day issues and lose sight of how I was brought to that day.

I was in the middle of writing this very blog, telling of how I am so in love with Jesus, when I spotted my journal.  I felt inclined to read it, and opened to the very page that I had prayed to God asking Him to make me fall in love with Jesus! 

The date was October 2, 2011 and on that day I watched the Passion of the Christ.  Upon watching the Son of God under-go the shameful death for my souls sake… stemmed my prayer to fully surrender to Jesus out of the love He demonstrated for me.  I asked Him to crucify my desires and thoughts and transform them to His.  I did not want to be simply an on-looker in the crowd who was moved by His death because I believed He was the Christ…but I wanted to be one of the few who helped Him carry the cross to Calvary’s hill.

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.  And there, I will give her her vineyards and make the valley of Anchor a door of hope”- Hosea 2:14-15

Looking back to this day in my journal, God did take me to the wilderness.  He stripped away the allure of the world and brought me into His presence.  He had to remove me from what I considered comfortable…and take me to a place I was unfamiliar with. It forced me to rely on only Him.  His consistent and constant voice reminded me, HE IS ALL I NEED!  The truth of His steadfast love was given to me over and over.

“And in that day,” declares the Lord, “you will call me ‘My Husband’ and no longer will you call me ‘My Baal’”  For I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth, and they shall be remembered by name no more.”- Hosea 2:16

God started conforming my desires to His…being in the desert was more appealing if it meant I had more of Him.  The things that once seemed SO crucial to my happiness and advertised false fulfillment to my desires, no longer interested me.  I wanted more of my Jesus.  I stopped fearing for my fleshly body and started to fear for my soul.  (Matthew 10:28)…knowing that my soul is the well spring of eternal life, and my flesh is dying; Jesus being the only cure to salvage the spirit within me.

It took experiencing the truth of Ephesians to prove that not one man is good in his flesh, Jeremiah 17:9 to tell me my heart is deceptive and sick, Proverbs 3:5, 28:26 to tell me I cannot rely on my own understanding, for me to comprehend and believe God's steadfast love for me. (Psalm 86:5, 89:31-33) 

I have read one too many dating books…and the good ones will tell you to GUARD your heart.  Wanna know why?


We are Imperfect, and unable to love perfectly.
We change our minds, and change in personality.
We are selfish and love ourselves above anyone else
We Lie
We Cheat
We are deceptive
We disappoint, and fail to follow through
We have this permanent thing called SIN…. It never goes away!  Sin is a curse to ourselves, to everyone we encounter, and it mocks the very One who created us!

I believe now, the Lord has allowed me to experience first hand the detriment someone else’s sin can cause to your heart…. ONLY so that I would become fully surrendered to HIM and HIM ALONE.  Wanna know why?

And His love is perfect; it is unable to be anything less.
He is incapable of lying, cheating, or deceiving me.
His love never changes, because He never changes.
His love is not just a bunch of words, but they have been carried out.
His love is selfless and sacrificial.
His love is steadfast, eternal, everlasting, and unable to fail.

The best part is… FOR THE FIRST TIME…I do not have to guard my heart! 

“And I will abolish the bow, the sword from the land, and I will make you lie down in safety.  And I will betroth you to me forever.”-Hosea 2:18-19.

I have been a follower of the Lord for 13 years this month.  I have always understood Gods love for me, and I have genuinely loved who He is…  BUT, as of lately I have become so IN LOVE and fully captivated with Him!  

Having been in a romantic relationship where I was “in love”… I now understand the symptoms and side effects that take place from being in love.

I think of Jesus all day long.
I talk about Him at every chance I get.
I have a giddy, stupid grin on my face.
I wake up early, just to be alone in the quiet with Him.
I talk to Him all the time.
He has become my confidant, and best friend.
I crave His word, wanting to know Him fully.
I long to please Him…I want to put His wishes before my own.
I desire for others to know who He is.
My life would cease to exist without Him.
Surrendering my life to Him is no longer a sacrifice, but a pleasure.
His voice is no longer an interruption, but a divine invitation.
My plans are held loosely, in concordance to His plans.
My life is now complete; my soul is finally satisfied.
Everything has become faded at His illumination.
I am finally at peace, because I am no longer searching.

In my first blog, (now found under I wrote about my desire to be a wife…to be loved and adored by her betrothed.  To love and to serve, giving my life to another…

Jesus is the ONE my soul has longed for.  I am HIS bride, adored and loved by Him, my betrothed.

“I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and mercy.  I will betroth you to me in faithfulness.  And you shall know the Lord!” -Hosea 2:19-20

On October 2, 2011…I wrote out this whole verse of Hosea 2:14-20 in my journal.  And from it, this was my prayer…

“Imprint this verse on my heart, in my mind, and on my soul.  When I grow weary in the wilderness, make me fall in love with You.  Bring me so far with You, that only You can be responsible!”

His faithfulness is only one of the hundred attributes that make me in love with him.  From October 2, 2011, to now January 18, 2012…the Lord has brought me to the wilderness, romanced me with His steadfast love, changed my heart towards the idols I placed in my life, and brought me into an everlasting covenant with Him though his grace and all perfect love.  He has brought me from simply loving Him, to being compassionately in love with Him. I am finally experiencing the truth I have known my whole time as a believer…

He has brought me this far with Him, and only He is responsible!


  1. What a lovely incredible post, doll! I like to write my prayers, as well. There's something about writing it all out. And happy "birthday" this month :)

    Jesus plus nothing equals everything!

  2. All I have to say is, thank you. I have been a believer in Christ from a young age but am now finally starting to realize just how amazing he is.
